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Water Street Reimagined

The Water Street Reimagined project is the major landscaping redesign of Water Street from Kinney Street to I-37 and is designed to enhance the pedestrian experience along Water Street, connect priority development clusters within the district, reinforce Downtown Corpus Christi's vibrant and cultural identity, and develop and implement a feasible landscape plan that further strengthens Downtown's urban forest.

Identifying the Need for Revival

In 2021, we identified three "development clusters" in the district along Water Street:

  1. The Marina Arts Tourist Cluster
  2. The Innovation District Cluster
  3. The South Downtown Cluster

By revitalizing Water Street, it will not only link the three clusters targeted for infill development but will also make those developments greater than the sum of their parts by expanding their benefits and accessibility into the surrounding neighborhoods. While strategic clusters of development have already emerged in the past decade post success of the Chaparral Street Conversion project in 2018, the Water Street corridor spans twice the length of Chaparral Street and stands poised as the next wave of revival in Downtown Corpus Christi. The success and maintenance of Water Street's sense of place relies on streetscape renewal.

Current Challenges

3% Existing Shade Canopy

There are large gaps in the tree canopy along Water Street. This increased the heat island effect and creates an uncomfortable pedestrian experience during most of the day.

21% Existing Active Frontage

Although the district has started to build the foundation for the vibrant and unique identity along Water Street through amenities and business improvements, large gaps remain between these improvements.

60' Crosswalk Distance

Water Street's wide and underutilized right-of-way currently presents pedestrians with a hot, formidable sea of pavement. The location of electric utilities under the existing sidewalks coupled with excessive off-street parking points to the on-street parallel parking zones as prime opportunities for landscaping interventions to expand pedestrian comfort and safety.

Potential Improvements

67% Shade Canopy

The proposed concept plan prioritizes the intersection and mid-block bulb-outs and landscaping. By focusing planting areas within the bulb-out zone, this plan will maintain maximum space for pedestrians and enhance that space.

70% Active Frontage

Design concepts and implementation have the potential to spur more street-level activation, storefront improvements, and economic development encouraged by connectivity and accessibility. 

26% Decreased Crosswalk Distance

With the implementation of bulb-outs and landscaping near intersections, the pedestrian crossing distance would potentially go from 60' to 44', improving pedestrian walkability and experience, mitigate adverse traffic speeds and add room for improved transit amenities, and promotes resiliency through increased permeable surface area and reduced urban heat island pockets.

Original Image Existing
Future Image Proposed
Intersection at Starr and Water Streets
Original Image Existing
Future Image Proposed
Intersection at Born and Water Streets