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Studies & Data

As Downtown Corpus Christi continues to grow, so do we! That's why we meticulously document and report on our progress throughout the year, conduct comprehensive research to better understand what the community needs, and plan out our next steps to keep Downtown moving forward.

Five Year Strategic Plan

Downtown Corpus Christi has been in the process of revitalization for the past several years. The progress made has positioned the Corpus Christi Downtown Management District (the DMD) to finally set our collective sights on a future in which Downtown Corpus Christi is nationally recognized for its vibrancy, not its potential. The purpose of this document is update our strategy and create a simple and clear roadmap as to what we’re doing next.

FY2025 Service Plan

The CCDMD is a professional municipal management district established in 1992 and represents property owners in the Downtown Corpus Christi neighborhood known as the Marina Arts District. Through interlocal relationships with the City of Corpus Christi and TIRZ #3, we facilitate development through the Greater Downtown Area. With the support of our corporate partners and 501(c)3, the Downtown Revitalization Alliance, we move revitalization further forward with a focus on economic development, arts, and culture.

2025 Service Plan

2024 Service Plan 2022 Service Plan 2023 Service Plan

2023-2024 Impact Report

2024 was a year of growth for the DMD as we continued to build on our commitment to the revitalization of downtown, our internal and external capacity, and Downtown Corpus Christi’s unique and vibrant culture, further building on our stated vision to create the most vibrant downtown on the Gulf Coast. This Annual Impact Report highlights key benchmarks our team has achieve

2023-2024 Impact Report


IDA Value of Downtown Study

The International Downtown Association (IDA), founded in 1954, is the premier organization for urban place professionals who are shaping and activiating dynamic city center districts through education, research, and building leadership networks. Through this study conducted in 2022 by IDA, The Corpus Christi Downtown Management District (CCDMD) was able to articulate the multifaceted value of our downtown and highlight its crucial impacts on our city and region by utilizing five principles: economy, inclusion, vibrancy, identity, and resilience.

One-PagerPresentationFull Report

Perception of Downtown Survey

The Corpus Christi Downtown Management District (CCDMD), in partnership with the Collaborative Community Research Center of Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi (TAMUCC), conducted a biennial survey to better understand the perceptions of downtown Corpus Christi. Through this survey, CCDMD is able to identify trends and set realistic goals to create a better, more vibrant downtown on the Gulf of Mexico.

Presentation Full Report