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Infrastructure Projects

The role of the CCDMD is to champion, facilitate, and maintain key infrastructure projects. In efforts to create a welcoming, well-designed, and accessible waterfront, we advocate and support implementation of catalytic infrastructure improvements, especially on the waterfront through:

Conception | Feasibility | Design | Implementation | Maintenance

Current Projects in Development

The Agnes/South Chaparral Reconfiguration Project is the reconfiguration of the last one-way section of Chaparral Street between Coopers Alley and Kinney Street and aims to extend the pre-existing look and feel of main street, increase pedestrian comfort and safety, present future development and investment opportunities, and attract vibrant street life.
The Water Street Reimagined project is the major landscaping redesign of Water Street from Kinney Street to I-37 and is designed to enhance the pedestrian experience along Water Street, connect priority development clusters within the district, reinforce Downtown Corpus Christi's vibrant and cultural identity, and develop and implement a feasible landscape plan that further strengthens Downtown's urban forest.
BOND 2018
Prop B in the passed Bond 2018 authorized $650,000 towards prioritizing lighting improvements in and throughout Downtown for increased visibility and pedestrian safety.
BOND 2022
The Bluff Rehabilitation is a City led and DMD supported project that aims to mitigate and maintain the Bluff consisting of Upper, Middle, and Lower Broadway, that separates Uptown from Downtown. This project is a part of the approved Bond 2022, under Prop A consisting of the design of the existing 2-lane asphalt roadway with a retaining wall stabilization investigation, a slope stabilization design, new pavement, curb and gutter repairs, sidewalk installations with ADA compliant curb ramps, signage, pavement markings, upgraded/added street illumination, utility improvements and drainage improvements as needed.
With the construction of the new harbor bridge and the closing off of Twigg Street, the new entrance into Downtown leads traffic onto Taylor Street. With a recent increase in traffic, Taylor Street's condition has fallen into disrepair. Working closely with Right-of-Way, we are championing the resurfacing of Taylor Street for safer driving conditions and improved overall appeal into Downtown.
Peoples Street is prone to stormwater drainage issues that cause potential flooding on the street. City led and DMD championed, this project will mitigate drainage issues and resurface the road.
In the early 2000s, major repairs were done to the seawall. It was later identified that there was a small point of vulnerability in the structure behind the museums that, in case of a massive storm, could potentially lead to flooding in Downtown. City led and DMD championed, this project aims to reinforce the seawall behind the museums and surrounding land and was approved as part of the Sales Tax Reauthorization recently voted on in 2024.
Between the months of April and June 2023, we conducted an in-house audit of the Marina Arts District to assess the condition of sidewalks and crosswalks with regard to accessibility. 50 problematic locations were identified. From those 50 locations, we made 94 recommendations to the City to resolve the issues identified, which include cracked/uneven sidewalks, areas where a section of sidewalk is missing, sidewalk obstructions, areas where sidewalks are too narrow, areas where there are no sidewalks, rough curb transitions from sidewalks to driveways, a lack of ramps, and a lack of crosswalks.
The City of Corpus Christi is developing a master plan for the Municipal Marina, including the Shoreline Boulevard waterfront walkway at the seawall. An online survey was taken, and public input was gathered from November 6 through November 17, 2023. The information that was gathered from community responses will be used by the City's planning team to formulate a master plan for this area.

Streetscape Projects in Development

This project's objective is to improve illumination of the pedestrian sidewalk at night to address safety and light up the facades of the building to improve the overall aesthetic of the building. This project is currently in the feasibility phase.
The Illuminando! Lighting Initiative was a project in 2021 backed by Mayor Paulette Guajardo and sponsored by The Corpus Christi Medical Center. This initiative was designed to wrap all the trees along Chaparral Street to illuminate downtown for pedestrian safety at night and improve overall appearance of Downtown. We found huge success with the initiative and are now in the process of replacing the light strands in its entirety to mitigate broken or worn out lights and prevent damage to trees.

Completed Projects

BOND 2008
This project was City led and DMD supported and was part of the voter approved Bond 2008, in which Chaparral Street from Cooper's Alley to the intersection of IH-37 was converted from one-way to two-way traffic, officially completed in 2018.

We make every effort to keep this map up to date quarterly, however, it may not reflect the most recent changes to project plans. For questions, comments, or more information about key catalytic infrastructure projects, please contact us!